16 July 2010

:: tiPs Cari jOdOh ::

“Jodoh di tangan Allah dan manusia wajib berikhtiar mencari dan memilihnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditentukan Allah”

Well, utk korang pastikan that si Dia adalah pasangan terbaik dan paling tepat bagi korang. Berikut beberapa petanda yang wajib/optional ada dalam hubungan korang berdua...
renung2kan ya kawan2...

Petanda 1

Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan cocok @ tidak si Dia itu jodoh korang adalah Align Centerkemampuannya bersikap santai di depan korang. Cuba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak gerinya, caranya berpakaian (bukan sedang memakai pakaian OK, strictly NO NO NO..akak x suka tau...), gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya, macamana? Adakah setiap ucapannya selalu nampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat? Jika tidak, (oppsss sorry..hipokritttt...nexttttt) kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh korang.

Petanda 2

Rahsia sepasang kekasih agar dapat memiliki jangkamasa hubungan yang panjang adalah adanya saling bertolak ansur (hah...jgn hang dok joreng sgt..akak x per, akak dh kawin...eh...blh gitu?? ahaks....). korang dan si dia selalu saling membantu, pekerjaan kecil atau besar. Paling penting adalah korang berdua selalu menikmati segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama (ada batasan ya..). Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Hah!!!, korang dah ada rasa mcm tu x? Jika ya, selamat..... bererti ada harapan bahwa dia adalah calon pendamping hidup korang! (so, dh ada ke dlm kotak fikiran korang skrg siapa si Dia?? ngeh2)...

Petanda 3

Adanya contact batin (weiii korang jgn luCah OK!!!)... a.k.a perasaan yg membuat hati korang berdua selalu saling tahu (insticnt la...) & bila korang atau si dia boleh saling membaca fikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaan satu sama lain pada situasi tertentu... Selamat jugak! Mungkin sebenarnya dialah belahan jiwa korang yang tersimpan...hehehhehe...huda dh ada lah tu, tersengeh2 baca..oppsss

Petanda 4
Dia selalu ada untuk korang dalam situasi apapun (SETUJU!!!!!)...... Dan dia selalu cepat memahami gelora dalam hati korang... sihat/sakit, suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang ada jodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang surut saat bersama (kalau x, kira clash terus laaa, x der nak rujuk2 lg..understand...dont waste ur time)...

Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala korang dirundung musibah? hmmmmm..ada x?? ada x??...
Dia selalu paham saat PMS korang datang menyerang? Dia cepat-cepat datang dan mencarikan ubat bila mengetahui korang sakit?
Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah
orangnya...(si ita tgh pk lg tu...alaaaaa..aku tahu laaaaa..bayang x muncul lg kan kan...hehe)

Petanda 5 (bg aku Option jer nih, bg korg x tau la)
Bersamanya bisa membuat perasaan korang menjadi santai, tenang & tanpa perasaan tertekan.(ikut pengalaman kadang2 ada gak weii rasa tertekan ...so, petanda 5 ni kira Option laaa...hehe)
Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari membuat korang merasa tidak bosan langsung ( tp kalau aku lama2 pon bosan gaks..).. Ini sebagai petanda bahawa korang berdua kelak akan saling terikat.

Petanda 6

Bila korang merasa rahsia korang lebih selamat ditangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat korang @ korang merasa sudah tak blh la lagi menyimpan rahsia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Kerana ini bererti pasangan sejati telah korang temui! yeahhh

Petanda 7

Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga korang, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu korang saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya.
Hah, kalau begitu ini dh confirm2 si dia sudah bersedia menerima korang apa adanya..so, dh ada? lalalallalala...

bak kata fariza laa, nk carik teman hidup, tak mau amik yg praktikkan prinsip "ToUCh & gO" tp amik La yg tekankan konsep "CaSH & caRRy"...ahakksss......pahammmm!!!

So to all ma' beLoved sisTa...aLL the beSt ya.....

~ Sumber dari : http://erikalone.blogspot.com~

06 July 2010

:: Avoid Making This Mistake When He's Distant ::

have you ever just sensed that something was off with your man, but you didn't know what?

Of course... he wouldn't talk to you about it or tell you. He was just quiet and withdrawn.

Trying to figure out what your man is thinking can be a dangerous game.

Not only does trying to figure him out often end up pushing your man away on accident, it usually drives you a little nuts.

Which only makes things worse.

Stop wondering and worrying when you don't have to anymore. It's time you got to the heart of the matter and stopped going in circles with men and relationships.

>>>> Example :-

Ms She have been having a long distance relationship with a man with whom the chemistry and the connection was amazing from the start. They have been seeing each other for almost 4 months now. They fell in love and he has confessed it so to her. He also has mentioned to her that he feels Ms She is his soul mate.

He travels around the world working for an oil company and during his last trip which has taken a month things are changing. He does not call Ms She as often, does not write emails to her as often and blames it on the time difference and mood differences and being stressed and busy. All started to get worse when in her frustrations She started feeling anxiety and reacting by also not calling him as often and being cold and distant.

Before She started acting this way She did ask why he was not calling and communicated that expectation with him. She think he is pulling away and so not
know what to do. She is in love with him and do not know if She should bother him by calling or She should just stand back and wait for him to make his move
when ready. He was very attentive and used to call a lot more before even when he was traveling.

Did She act needy? Is there hope? What should She do?

>>>>So, Here goes the Response

It is possible for a man to sense what you're calling "needy" without you even saying anything.


It's possible that even though your normal feelings of wondering what's going on aren't wrong or needy in an unhealthy way... your man might FEEL like you're being too needy.

The result - he's not showing you the same level of interest and attraction not because you did something wrong, but because of how he is FEELING.

So what's the difference between what is actually needy, and what a man thinks is needy and unattractive?

It's the way you communicate how you're feeling to him. You might even think of this as the "energy" that you're bringing to him and your relationship.


Stop your mind, stop your busy thoughts, and stop trying to "figure everything out."

You're on the brink of becoming your own worst enemy here.


Because you've got a growing case of what so call the "over-analyzing blues."

This is when you know there's something going on with your man that you don't get.

And since you don't know what it is, and you're feeling a bit uncertain about things, something bad starts to happen -

Your mind starts to fill in the blanks of each little thing he does and says with some kind of negative or fearful thought (even if there's nothing really wrong).

And this creates a negative feedback loop where-

The more you feel uncertain and unnerved by not knowing what's going on...

The more things feel weird between you...

And thus the worse you feel...

And then the more negative stuff about him and his actions you think and worry about...

And so the more he acts strangely or more distant around you.

The cycle feeds itself and down and down you go.


clear your mind of all your thoughts about him.

He's likely not going to stand there with open arms waiting to hear and understand how you feel,
and explain himself.

Men get that magic "she's the one" feeling not when they feel like they have to dig into the little things to make your relationship work but
when it feels EASY.

That's why it's time you stopped wondering what in the world is going on with men, and stopped feeling stuck or frustrated as the same "issues"
keep coming up with them.

P/S - he is lucky to have met you....

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