28 February 2009

How To Get Him "Addicted" To You ( by Christian Carter )

Did you know that getting a guy "addicted" to you won't happen JUST BECAUSE you're:

-- the most beautiful woman he knows
-- or the smartest
-- or the most "together" and successful?

Nope, it doesn't work that way.

It happens because of the way he experiences you on an EMOTIONAL level, not necessarily JUST on a physical or intellectual level.

A man's not going to think, "I have to have this woman in my life!" because you've impressed him with your intellectual prowess or because you have great abs.

Ok - maybe he'll want you "for now" because he'll be physically attracted to you, but he's not going to be thinking about a long-term "serious" relationship with you because of those reasons.

There's only one reason a man will become literally addicted to you for life... And that's because he feels a strong EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION to you.

You think to yourself:

"Why does love and a relationship have to be so difficult?"

"If only men weren't so difficult to be with."

But then your "protective" side kicks in, and you start fighting these feelings and tell

"I don't need a man."

"I'm happy with my life as it is."

"I'm happy to be single and focus on myself right now, instead of wasting my time and energy in a dead-end situation with a man."

"Men are all screwed up and trouble anyway, and I don't need that in my life right now."

Ahhhh... it starts to work and you calm down and regain your "cool."

But somewhere deep down inside, you know why you felt sad -


You want to share REAL LOVE and BE LOVED.

And you wonder how long you can avoid the reality that these things are MISSING from your
life by staying busy and taking care of other areas of life.

You know you can't go on this way forever.

Something has to change.

This story is basically a myth... a collection of common situations, fears, beliefs, etc., that women experience.

Communicating with a man from a place of fear and insecurity will more often create DISTANCE
than it will bring you and him together.

Unless the guy you're with is ALREADY an expert at communicating and dealing with these things himself.

If only men were experts when it came to having open, lasting relationships and communicating in ways that would bring you closer, right?

Wouldn't that be nice.

Well, the truth is men are RARELY experts in these areas.

And sure... a man COULD come along and be such a wonderful and amazing guy that he would help make relationships and communicating easier.

But if that doesn't happen, or the great guy you do find doesn't happen to have these natural
skills and abilities (and by the way, most men don't)...

Then guess what?

It's up to YOU.

He's not going to make it work FOR YOU.

In fact, the reality is that as you are first becoming close with a man, he's more likely to
trigger your own fears than to help resolve them.

I'm not telling you about this right now just because I'm trying to teach you some "mumbo jumbo" about how thoughts, energy and intention work together...

(Which they do.)

But for another simple reason -

There's something you can do right now to DRAMATICALLY improve the level of connection and intimacy you have in your love life.

It all starts in one place.

Paying attention to HOW YOU THINK.

On a basic level, your own patterns of THINKING and FEELING lead to the ACTIONS you take and the BEHAVIOR you display.

And guess what can create a "negative filter" on your THINKING and FEELINGS?


And if you're finding that your actions and behaviors aren't "naturally" attracting good men
and creating healthy long-term relationships... then you've got something to look at right now:

Your own thoughts and emotions, and your own fears.

And, of course, you could worry about HIS ISSUES too, but let's save working on him for later when you're up to speed on all this for yourself.


What do you DO when you have negative, fearful, limiting thoughts and situations going on in your mind that are affecting your love life?

Women who are in CONTROL of their own fears and emotions when it comes to men, dating and


It's NOT because feelings and emotions themselves are bad...

Feelings and emotions are probably the most beautiful part of what makes us human and allows us to experience the world in a deep and meaningful way.

But, what I'm talking about here are NEGATIVE feelings.

Because negative feelings, more often than not, lead to NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES.

And women who are in CONTROL of their EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES and who have a handle on their own emotional state, know how to do something that other women can't and will never be able to fake...

They know how to consistently create more POSITIVE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES with men.

On one level, it really is that simple.

In practice, it's much harder.

So let's get on now to ATTRACTION.

The truth is that men are attracted to one woman and not another largely because of the way that one woman makes them FEEL.

And NOT because of what logically sound qualities each person and the relationship has.

ATTRACTION and CONNECTION have their own "logic."

A man is attracted to a woman and wants to be with her, and only her, because of the way he
FEELS when he's around her.

And not for any other reason.

Not even if the women is the most loving, caring, sweet, generous, and intelligent woman in
the world.

I'm even going to "translate" this for you so you're sure to start seeing it more clearly -

Translation: The emotional experiences that a man has when he's around a woman are the single
most powerful reasons why he either wants a long-term relationship, or doesn't.

And to make this even more clear, let me tell you what this DOESN'T mean...

It DOESN'T mean that a man wants to be with a woman because he VALUES a relationship and having true love in his life.

Or that a woman can be so good to a man and do so many loving and generous things for him that he recognizes the LOGICAL value of staying with her and makes the "right" decision.

Feelings and emotions have their own logic, which has NOTHING to do with what makes "sense" or what is "fair."

And the sooner you accept this as true about men, the easier EVERYTHING in your love life and
relationship will become.


So how do you make a man FEEL when he's around you?

What are the conscious and subconscious emotional reactions and responses he's likely to
be having with you, based on your emotions and your behavior?

Take a minute and think about it.



Here's the bottom line:

A woman who can communicate to a man on a deeper level that she's AWARE and IN CONTROL of her own experience and "emotional" state will make a man feel INTENSE ATTRACTION for her on that same emotional level.

She's an "emotionally attractive" woman, which can tell a man all kinds of things about her
BEYOND the PHYSICAL ATTRACTION and interest he might have.

On the other hand...

Women who DON'T have a handle on these things have quite a different effect on men...

These women can still usually make men feel PHYSICAL ATTRACTION - but they often set off all kinds of conscious and subconscious "warning signs" in a man's mind.

Signals that then become FEELINGS and EMOTIONS inside the man that tell him to RUN.

And under no circumstance commit himself and attach his emotional experience to hers.

Here's the strangest part about women who send off these "warning signals" to men...

Most women do this largely BY ACCIDENT.

That's right. Lots of women actually trigger negative responses inside a man's mind while doing things they think are FOR THE GOOD of the relationship.


And hey... I know it might bother you to hear some of what I'm saying. And that you probably have been more caring and generous with your thoughts and emotions in your past situations with men than they were with you.

I get that.

But someone needs to tell you how men really and truly think when it comes to women and relationships.

And of course men have their own specialized set of "baggage" and fears, too.

But let me ask you:

What do you know, FROM EXPERIENCE, will happen if a man doesn't deal with his own fears about women and relationships?


I'm talking withdrawal, break-ups, cheating, lying, etc.

The list goes on.

But if a guy takes the time and develops the "emotional maturity" to think about the negative
and limiting fears HE HAS about women and relationships...

And finds a healthy level of AWARENESS and CONTROL around these...

Then this is the kind of guy that women will "naturally" be drawn to and enjoy being with.

Your first step to creating a situation with a man where you BOTH feel the level of connection
that will create and support a lasting relationship is to accept that MEN DON'T MAKE


Because remember, our EMOTIONS don't follow a logical or "rational" path.

Knowing exactly what NOT TO DO will bring you the CLARITY you've been looking for with men, and save you tons of wasted time and energy in your love life.

23 February 2009

Tired Of Men Who Freak Out?

Have you ever had a man freak out on you for no good reason after a few great dates?

What's wrong with men?

Just when things start to get real he suddenly becomes distant and tells you "I'm not ready for a relationship."

Then it's time you took control of your love life and did something POSITIVE and PRO-ACTIVE.

Get Him Back - Is It Too Late?

There's a funny thing that happens to us in life...

It's that any time you develop a new AWARENESS and you start seeing your behavior and interactions in a new light... at first you often feel like kicking yourself.

But getting down on yourself, feeling overly frustrated and hopeless, and letting the lack of CONTROL you have in your new situation doesn't help.

Here's the reality if you've recognized that you've been making some of the mistakes I talk about...


Here's why:

The man you were dating liked you and was attracted to you for some reason.

And as much as it might seem like his feelings have changed forever towards you,
there's something you should realize-

A man's FEELINGS can CHANGE VERY QUICKLY, whether you want them to or not.

And you know this from past experience.

Now... most women don't handle this reality about men, dating, and relationships very well at all.

In fact, lots of women let this completely freak them out and take over their emotions and how they act and talk.

What's behind all this is FEAR.

Fear of loss.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of abandonment.

Fear of not being loved, or not being good enough to be loved.

And lots of women let these fears take over and run the show as their emotions get the best of them.

Of course, I get that it can be a frightening idea that all it takes is just a few wrong words or actions and "Wham!"... the man in your life who you've been sharing so much of yourself with is suddenly not feeling it for you anymore.

But here's the thing:

The fact that a man's feelings can change so quickly has TWO SIDES to it.

See, if a man's feelings can quickly change from feeling interested and attracted to a woman, to feeling that "Ewwwww" feeling where he wants to get away from her...

It's also true that a man can quickly change from feeling UNATTRACTED and uninterested ... to feeling intensely ATTRACTED and wanting to spend time with you again.

In other words, men's feelings and their reactions and responses to a woman can change quickly in EITHER DIRECTION - from good to bad, or from bad to good.

Of course, I'm not just telling you this because it sounds like it makes sense.

The point is, you can either let the fact that a man's feelings can change as a result of your behavior SCARE you and make you ANXIOUS and INSECURE (which will only make things
worse for you)


You can see that the fact that his feelings can quickly change, can work to your advantage... and you can use this fact to have a man very quickly go from NOT FEELING IT for you... to feeling that gut-level ATTRACTION for you in a few short moments and interactions.

I've literally seen men go from feeling like they had to get away from a woman they were dating and telling all their friends that it was over...

To suddenly remembering why it was that he was interested and attracted to her in the first place, and then start calling, making plans, and thinking about her all the time.

Finding out what the PROBLEM is is just half the answer that teaches you about what it is that you need to STOP DOING.

STOP TALKING to the man in your life about the mistakes you've made... or about what's happening in your relationship.

And stop it RIGHT NOW!

Point being, when a woman shows up and acts overly emotional, upset, insecure... and does things that are UNATTRACTIVE to a man, it's bad enough.

But then when a woman sees the damage that her behavior has done to her relationship with a man... and she starts to FEEL BAD about that too... things quickly go from bad to worse.

Each time she calls a man and he hears her voice, he instantly knows she's still in that place of fear, worry, and emotional uncertainty.

And this will keep pushing the man further and further away.

The answer isn't to try and talk through all your uncertain feelings with a man - if you're goal is to connect with him and keep building his interest and attraction for you.

The answer is to do the things that create attraction in HIM.

Translation - stop talking and thinking about the PROBLEMS you're feeling between you... and start being the woman a man naturally feels excited and joyful with when he's around.

THEN, when you're in a close and connected place, talking to a man and getting him to share and understand - and even initiate conversations about your feelings and your relationship - will be easier than you ever thought possible.

So stop doing the things that you're learning PUSH MEN AWAY... and START doing the things that tons of other women have learned naturally build more interest and ATTRACTION inside a man.

Some women spend their entire lives doing all the WRONG THINGS with the RIGHT MEN in their relationships... only to finally figure out too late all the things they were doing pretty much guaranteed that a man would stop feeling attraction for them as time went on.

And some women, even after they've "done the work" and gotten rid of all the negative patterns in their life that kept them from drawing a man to them for lasting love, still can't clue into the 'hard-to-identify' but simple things that make a man keep "feeling it" for them.

And by the way, if you're making serious mistakes with a man such as:

-Trying to convince him to like you, want you, or to stay with you... and completely losing your composure when you see any sign of him losing interest in you

-Calling him too much and trying to be the one to make plans and make sure that you spend time together and see each other

-Becoming upset with him when he doesn't call, then not knowing how to get your feelings out
and communicate with him without creating an even worse situation for yourself

Then here's the thing...

You've probably been doing these kinds of things for a while in your life...

It's that on a deeper emotional level, YOU don't have some critical parts of your own life "handled" or together... and it's showing up in your relationship and pushing him away.

Don't let what you aren't aware of about yourself (but could quickly get handled) keep you from the love and the relationship you want.

If you find yourself losing your composure too often, letting your emotions take over and
regretting it too often after the fact, and you're starting to recognize that not all of what you're doing and choosing to do with a man is totally CONSCIOUS... then you need to take the time and the steps to take care of what's going on INSIDE YOU first.

Once you take care of what's happening inside you on an emotional, spiritual, and psychological level... a lot of the things on your outside that a man sees and experiences will start to take care of themselves.

And you'll start to magnetically ATTRACT a man and create the right situations and the right relationship from the inside out.

21 February 2009

Be yourself

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde

Being Yourself is celebrating you, as an individual - learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it's learning to love yourself, for others, it's not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in. So read on to know how to express the inner you.

1.Find yourself.
You can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Try to take time to yourself and contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kind of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does. You can even take personality tests, but be careful to only take what you want from them and not let them define you. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you've made; they're done and in the past, so there is no use crying over spilled milk.

2. Stop caring about how people perceive you.
The fact is, it really doesn't matter. It's impossible to be yourself when you're caught up in wondering "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid?" To be yourself, you've got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter — not their consideration of you. Besides, if you change yourself for one person or group, another person or group may not like you, and you could go around in a vicious cycle trying to please people; it's totally pointless in the end. However, if someone you trust and respect critiques aspects of who you are, feel free to judge (honestly) whether or not it is accurate instead of dismissing the critique automatically or accepting it indefinitely.

3. Be honest and open.
What have you got to hide? We're all imperfect, growing, learning human beings. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself — and you feel that you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally — then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up; apply this philosophy to others, as well. There is a difference between being critical and being honest; learn to watch the way you say things to yourself and others when being honest.

4. Relax.
Stop Worrying and Start Living about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you're not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. It's also an attractive quality for someone to be able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously!

5. Develop and express your individuality.
Whether it's your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it... unless it's destructive to yourself or others. Be a character, not a type.

6. Have a Productive Day.
Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and that some days, you're the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that's just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you'll respect yourself.

7. Believe in who you are.
If you're always working to be someone you're not, you'll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you're proud of the way you are! Nobody knows you better than you and that's how it should be. You deserve to be your own best friend, so start trying to figure out how you can do that. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point.

There's a difference between being yourself and being rude. You might have your opinions, dreams, and preferences, but so does everyone else. You shouldn't disrespect people who disagree with you; they have the privilege of being themselves just as you do. Conversely, don't agree with something you honestly don't think is right; just don't try to force your opinions on other people.

(Source : http://www.wikihow.com)

20 February 2009

Why It's So Hard To Find A Good Man? hmmm

Going through this week, 1 Q came across my mind......Why It's So Hard To Find A Good Man? hmmmmm...

Well, if you were single, you've probably been wondering:

"Where are all the good men?"

Now... if you've been in bad a relationship, and now you're single or feeling stuck, you might be thinking:

"What changed? He used to be so loving and affectionate, and now things feel almost dead between us and he's always distant."

Do you know the biggest mistake most women trying to save their relationship make when it ends up in this bad place?

It's giving your man an ULTIMATUM ~ Christian Carter ~

If you've ever considered giving your guy an "ultimatum" about getting serious or taking things to the "next level" in your relationship, there's something you need to know.

Men don't respond to deadlines, ultimatums or "all or nothing" demands when it comes to making a real long-term commitment to a woman.

What more, making these kinds of demands or pleas often brings out THE WORST in a man.

It causes a man to withdraw, act distant, get angry and irritated with you, and start questioning whether he should be with you at all.

I know that it can be a frustrating to wonder how in the world you're ever going to get what YOU want and need from a relationship...

When your man just seems to be content to carry on a lifeless and disconnected relationship with no real communication in it.

Don't let this keep happening to you.

Don't you finally deserve the kind of relationship that serves as a source of comfort and support
for you?

Instead of a relationship that only ends up making you feel less secure and loved?

You've got to know how COMMITMENT works for a man, and why a man will want to commit in the first place.

Or else...

You're going to keep ending up in relationships where you're the only one trying to hold the
relationship together.

18 February 2009


Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it?

It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your life...

You give them a piece of you & they did ask for it.

They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore.

Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.


It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.


Love is when you shed a tear and still want him, it's when he ignores you and you still love him, it's when he loves another girl but you still smile and say I'm happy for you, when all you really do is cry.


You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.


I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.....& it's definitely YOU


17 February 2009

3 Truths About Men You Won't Believe

There certain things you believe about men and relationships that can actually be HURTING your chances at real and lasting love?

Agree with any of these statements about men????

- Men like a challenge. They like the chase.
If you're too "easy" or approachable, they'll get
bored or lose interest.

- Men are dominant in relationships and
women therefore are unable to express themselves.

- Men cheat and are incapable of being monogamous.

- Men would secretly love to date and sleep
with different women the rest of their lives
rather than just have to stay with one serious,
committed relationship.

- Men just want to have fun and "freedom" and no

TRUTH #1: Men Don't Need To Chase

It's been said many times by many people that men need to be made to chase a woman in order to want her and commit wholeheartedly.

Not true.

In fact, this is plain wrong.

Rather than wanting to "chase" a woman, men are humans first.

Which means...

They want and need to feel a deep, emotional level of attraction for a woman if they are going to be moved to want bigger and better things with you in their life.

That everyday "Physical Attraction" a man can feel for any cute woman who walks by is not enough, and will never be enough to make him want something more than a casual fling.

Men can and will want to get close to you even
if they just feel this Physical Attraction for you - and you'll likely have a hard time figuring out if they are or aren't feeling that deeper and more intense and lasting Emotional Attraction.

TRUTH #2: Men Feel Emotions Just Like Women

Believe it not, men are pretty sensitive.

It's just how they handle what they feel that makes them hard to connect with about it, and hard to understand -

Unless you know what's going on with how men handle these things in the first place.

Men have a hard time dealing with strong emotions from women. One of the things men often say to women when there's a conflict or tension in the relationship is, "why are you being so dramatic?"

Annoying, right?

TRUTH #3: Men Want Relationships

Men want to be in a relationship, and they have a strong desire to feel recognized as a great partner by their women.

Man enjoys being in committed, loving relationships as much as a woman does.


When you show a man that you trust him to be a good partner to you, you will actually
inspire him and trigger his devotion and attraction for you.

16 February 2009

Interesting Baby Facts - Strange But True!

* A baby is born every seven seconds.

* Babies are born with very poor vision but can recognize their mothers almost right away.

* Babies are always born with blue eyes, within a few moments of delivery their eye color can change.

* Babies are born with swimming abilities and can naturally hold their breath. However, they shortly lose this instinct.

* Newborns usually double their weight by six months.

* Playing classical music will increase a baby’s intelligence.

* Reading to your child at ANY age will increase their knowledge.

* Babies and toddlers are, pound for pound, stronger than oxen. This is especially true of their legs.

* Babies are born without kneecaps.

~ By Alli Ross ~

15 February 2009

He's Lost The Attraction? 5 Likely Reasons...

Ever dated a man who you shared an incredible connection with, but then he suddenly wanted his "freedom" ...

Do you ever feel like it's impossible to understand what a man is thinking when it comes to "dating" and relationships?

But just then you realize how much he is starting to mean to you... and in the back of your mind it kind of freaks you out.

And it's then that the dating and relationship nightmares from your past flash back in your mind...

Your mind races with fear and anxiety.

But to keep it together you put faith in the situation and in this man. You tell yourself that it's different this time, and that he isn't one of those other guys.

And to make sure things keep moving forward in the right direction, you start trying a little harder with him to get it right this time.

You do all kinds of nice things for him.

You make the effort to find out all about him, understand him, and help him out with the things that are going on for him in his life.

With all you're doing for him and your relationship, he'd be crazy not to want to be with you.

But after a few more dates, suddenly something starts to feel WRONG...

That same easy and free way of loving and being with each other suddenly feels different.

You realize how much you're doing for him and all the ways you're trying... and suddenly it hits you -

He isn't making much of an effort to do anything for you or your relationship.

Not the way you are with him.

Then you realize that he's been calling you less than he used to.

He doesn't seem as excited to be with you and share his thoughts and feelings as he used to be at first.

He even stops making much in the way of plans, and starts doing a lot of other things he wasn't doing before.

And since you don't want to keep calling him, you wait for his call... hoping he'll make weekend plans with you.

But Thursday comes, and then Friday, and still no call.

Your worst fears are starting to be realized. But you don't want to overreact.

So even though you're hurt and upset that he didn't call you... you want to be with him, so you reluctantly call him.

You tell yourself there must be a good reason and that he's been busy or something.

When you finally get ahold of him, he doesn't even sound like the same guy.

He talks like he hardly knows you and you've never been close.

You try to be casual and ask him what he's been doing, but you want to know what he's been doing and why he hasn't called you.

At this point, you feel incredibly hurt, frustrated, unappreciated, and misunderstood.

You even become intensely UPSET and ANGRY with him, and with yourself. How could you have misunderstood what was happening and not seen this coming!?


Some women actually go on to spend the next few weeks or maybe even MONTHS doing everything they can to try and win the guy back.

They think that if they can just get him to stop ignoring what it is that they share, and to not be afraid... that the guy will "come to his senses" and come back to them.


If you've ever been in this situation, here are the 5 most common ways women respond that don't work and push men away or turn them off for good:

1) Pretending you don't want anything serious either and keep on sleeping with the man "casually" in hopes that things will grow from the "physical relationship"

2) Staying close to him by trying to become his "best friend" as you help him in his life and with his problems - all the while imagining the "payoff" of a real relationship for your good deeds once he recognizes how great you are

3) Trying to make him jealous by telling him you're seeing other guys, even if you're not. Or going out with other guys and doing things with them not because you like them, but because you want him to find out and want you back

4) Getting mad at him and telling him he's dumb, immature, and acting like a little BOY...and that he's just scared of a real relationship and a commitment - and then trying to get him to have a relationship with you to "fix" himself

5) Trying to make him interested in you by complimenting him, doing nice things for him, taking up things he's interested in to be around him... and being available to him at anytime he should show interest. This is kind of like trying to be his "best friend," but different since it's often still sexual.

Here's the thing...

None of these responses ever work with men.


Doing these things with a man is like instant MAN-REPELLENT.

~ Christian Carter ~

14 February 2009

Avoid Making Mistake When He's Distant - Advice from an Expert

An expert approach me with this Q >> Have you ever just sensed that something was off with your man, but you didn't know what?

Well??? >>>> Of course...
He wouldn't talk to me about it or tell me. He was just quiet and withdrawn.

Trying to figure out what your man is thinking can be a dangerous game.

Not only does trying to figure him out often end up pushing your man away on accident, it usually drives you a little nuts.

Which only makes things worse. Damn rite!!

So ladies, stop wondering and worrying when you don't have to anymore. It's time you got to the heart of the matter and stopped going in circles with men and relationships.

>>>> An advice from an expert....

Here's something ladies should know-

It is possible for a man to sense what you're calling "needy" without you even saying anything.


It's possible that even though your normal feelings of wondering what's going on aren't wrong or needy in an unhealthy way... your man might FEEL like you're being too needy.

The result- he's not showing you the same level of interest and attraction not because you did something wrong, but because of how he is FEELING.

So what's the difference between what is actually needy, and what a man thinks is needy and unattractive?

It's the way you communicate how you're feeling to him. You might even think of this as the "energy" that you're bringing to him and your relationship.

I'm going to tell you what's really going on with a man when this kind of thing is happening.

But first, I need you to do something.

I need you to stop what you're doing right now.

Then I need you to stop your mind, stop your busy thoughts, and stop trying to "figure
everything out."

I'm going to suggest something you might not understand at first, but I know it's really going to help.

You're on the brink of becoming your own worst enemy here.


Because you've got a growing case of what I call the "over-analyzing blues."

This is when you know there's something going on with your man that you don't get.

And since you don't know what it is, and you're feeling a bit uncertain about things, something bad starts to happen -

Your mind starts to fill in the blanks of each little thing he does and says with some
kind of negative or fearful thought (even if there's nothing really wrong).

And this creates a negative feedback loop

The more you feel uncertain and unnerved by not knowing what's going on...

The more things feel weird between you...

And thus the worse you feel...

And then the more negative stuff about him and his actions you think and worry about...

And so the more he acts strangely or more distant around you.

The cycle feeds itself and down and down you go.


What you focus on is what you get more of. So if you're focused on what might be wrong,
guess what?

You're going to not only find something, you'll create something to be wrong in the
meantime- and nothing will happen to make anything BETTER.

I want you to do something right now.

I want you to clear your mind of all your thoughts about him.

I want you to picture yourself sitting in your own personal paradise- whatever or
wherever that may be.

It could be on a white sand beach on a tropical island, or it could be on top of a
rolling hill looking out over a plain.

Whatever it is, I want you to picture yourself in a place that calms and soothes you.

Now, I want you to picture something for me-

I want you to picture your guy there beside you, with his arms around you.

I want you to picture how loved and cared for and appreciated you feel with him, and how
incredible it is when you're both connected this way.

Go ahead and picture this.

Now, take that feeling that you're having of the love and connection you feel to him, and take a minute to appreciate what it is that you and he share.

And take a minute to appreciate that feeling and feel GRATEFUL for him and who he is.

Let the love that you feel inside you grow stronger and richer and brighter.

Now that you can feel this love, I want you to think about how your man responds to you when you are this way with him.

Does he reject this kind of feeling from you?

Does he withdraw from this?

No, he doesn't.

Like other men, he CRAVES being with the woman who is in this place of love, and who brings this incredible and irresistible energy to him.

Now that you see this... let me ask you-

How does this energy and love that you share, which your man craves and is the reason he's with you... how does that compare to this uncertain and worried energy and over-analyzing that you're bringing to him and your relationship now?

Think about it for a second.



And now, think about how this energy could be affecting him?

And how is it affecting you?

And how about your entire relationship?

Here's the first thing I'm getting at:

What if the reason your man seems to be more distant or different with you isn't because something is really wrong?

What if the reason is what YOU are bringing to him and your relationship with what you're thinking and worrying about?

The energy you're putting out there to him doesn't sound like it's the kind that would inspire him to feel energized and passionate around you.

And what do men do when they're around a woman who's going through intense emotions that they don't understand?

What do men do when they don't know what to do emotionally?

They hang back.

They "play it cool."

Or they withdraw to a place where it's easy and there's no heavy emotional stuff going on.

If you think you might be worrying about your relationship, and you find that this only seems to make your man MORE DISTANT... you might want to put 2 and 2 together here.

He might be feeling disconnected or distant from you because you've got so much going on in your head that he doesn't get or even know about.

Danger! This is where you start turning perfectly healthy and normal situations into the kind of situations men can't help but be baffled and frustrated by.

And more importantly, if you keep worrying about this and feeling uncertain and turn to him for answers to why you feel the way you do...guess what?

He's likely not going to stand there with open arms waiting to hear and understand how you feel, and explain himself.

It would be great if men would always do this.

It would be great if a man would always be your "rock".

What happens when they aren't?

Should it all fall apart?

The truth is that men don't often know what's going with you, or why.

They just know if something feels heavy or intense to them.

And when this heavy energy starts to take over in your relationship... this is where a man
will want to ESCAPE.

Which only makes you feel worse and seems to be a signal that something really is wrong.

Or is it?

Men can and will predictably WITHDRAW once you get down the road in your relationship.

Knowing what this means and how to handle it is what can make all the difference, and can be what separates you from any other woman a man has ever dated by making him feel that you're the right woman to be with.

Men get that magic "she's the one" feeling not when they feel like they have to dig into the little things to make your relationship work but when it feels EASY.

Once you know how men really think and feel, it's not only going to feel easy for him... it's going to be EASY for YOU to get what YOU WANT in your relationship.

And you having the relationship you want is what this is really all about.

That's why it's time you stopped wondering what in the world is going on with men, and stopped feeling stuck or frustrated as the same "issues" keep coming up with them.

What if those issues are things that keep coming up because you haven't learned how to avoid or move past them?

-The 3 Stages of Maturity in a man's life, and how to identify and understand where your man is, and what this means about how he'll be with you in your relationship

-What leads men to cheat, and the best ways to PREVENT CHEATING in the first place

-What men really want and need to find in a woman if they're going to want a long-term, or even
lifelong, love affair and relationship with you

-Exactly WHY men so often perceive women and their feelings as NEEDY... and what to say and do so your man not only listens to you but wants to know more & more...

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