05 June 2009

MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest

I came across maryaaa blog & saw this Contest, Cutest Baby Photo Contest - June 09
organising by MomBloggersPlanet

Such a good effort by MomBloggersPlanet to all Mommies

So, i am now presenting the Cutest Baby in Red....

Allysa Sofea

Born : 7th June 2007

She is SMART


After gave birth, Hubby kiss my forehead & keep on saying, "anak kita cantik Mi..anak kita cantik"... & given a picture of her for me. That was the first word i heard from hubby....

When I finally got to hold her, I was so surprised at how tiny & beautiful she was! And she looked just like me!(opppsss..did i mention me??haha)

Allysa almost 2yrs now and weighs close to 13kg and sleeps through the night, which is wonderful. My little gurl is awes ome -- she smiles almost every moment that she is awake....ciwek (menangis) pon yer jugak hehehe.... tp tak kisah lah, whatever looks she gave, she is such an adorable baby.
She's the most precious beautiful baby girl I've ever seen & I love her more than I ever thought I could.
I can say that, my LiFe is Complete because of her.....Allysa Sofea.

She loves singing...

and Talkative too...


Attention To all Mommies, come & join..it's easy...here's how :-

  • Get a photo of your baby in RED (red dress/red shirt/red pant/red hat/red towel/red blanket… no! you can’t paint your baby red…ha..ha..ha)
  • Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest
  • Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth.
  • Explain why your baby should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red
  • Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
  • Leave a comment there with link to your blog post. That’s it! Easy peasy.
Wonderful prizes sponsored by Alicewonders and PhotoBookMalaysia await US!!!...hehe bley???


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