21 June 2009

faTher's daY & bOwLing

1st & foremost i would like to wish my lovely husband a.k.a my bestest fren in the world..Happy Father's Day Sayang...u r the greatest...i loves u & allysa loves u too...
Lupa laks..untuk abah tercinta jugak >> Happy Father's Day, adoiiii dh wish in advance leh lupa lak when it comes the actual day..Sorry abah. Loves u so much, you always been there for me, i loves you forever. You are BOTH..the great & the best!!!

Sunday, 21/6/2009..my bLogger fren, Amyatie a.k.a Thu, manage to arrange a really enjoyable & great weekend. Bowling is our next activities after celebrating the daddysss...Makanan punya la banyak & yg aku herans tu, we were allowed to bring foods & eating inside the BowLing Center...my guess, maybe staff situ tak boleh nak kata apa sbb kita lah team yg ter'havoc' @ si Amyatie dh rasuah budak2 tu...kah kah kah...

Planning pas bowling nak pergi karok ngan Thu..tp bilik dh fully booked laks...tak boleh lah kasi test suara ku yang "merdu" nih..ahaks..

Blogger fren yg telah bisa menghadirkan diri, Thu (The President), Hazza, Lizz, Syida & Ayu...ada gak yg x dapat join disaat2 akhir (rugi korangs)..Anyhow, this was my first gathering & i'm looking forward for the next event. So, GGF president...buat la lg beb..ku suke bangat!!!!

Below was the great moments captured by the very talented photographer, Chiko~AhzaDesign

The Players..
except for hubby, tak leh main sbb kecederaan pd jari masa accident dulu..huhu

The Daddys

Hot Mommies

Me >>> Spareeeeee!!!!! Strikee!!!..Gilos terer gaks aku main..ahaks..

Allysa pon nak main gaks...

Allysa happy bangat!!!

Thu >>> Strikeeee!!!!!...

Me & Hubby...i love u ..muah muah muah...

Allysa & Ibu...loves u too..muah muah muah...


Location : Endah Parade, Bukit Jalil


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