26 October 2009

TeLatah aLLysa....

When our child was a baby, we did everything for her. Changed her diapers, wiped her face when she spat up, and burped her after meals bla bla bla.... But as she gets older, she'll learn to do more things for herself, from pulling off her shirt to getting her own bowl of cereal. This is the "I want to do it myself" age.

Watching them grow increasingly independent can be bittersweet, but learning to take care of herself is an important part of our child's personal and social development.

Allysa 2yrs 4mths now..Skills she'll work at>> undressing, brushing her teeth, drawing, using the toilet, preparing her own food etc.

Few memek muka also dah pandai sangat buat...

Ms PoK PeK ni dh pandai ckp>> "shut up ibu" , "tahu x per", "tak blh blahh ibu", "ek eleh", "apa daaa", "sibuk jer"...& a sentence tht just came out from her few days ago"Ibu, jgn kacau...scha punya...nnti scha marah...susahhhhh"..
Aduhai...dh nk marah ibu pulak...kelakar tp a bit dangerous tau...

My doc & dad said, she is smart...x leh marah2 dia, everthing need to explain...tp bila tahap kesabaran ibu dh level x tahan...harus la kena cubit...geramsss...

Below latest pic of her (partly)...


Muka tak puas hati..

Main..main...main...tak letih dia ni..

Tiru muncung ibu..hmmm...

Kreatif tak saya? Kejadian berlaku pada 10/9/2009...

Allysa 1st time in pOOL...syiokkkkk...sebelum ni penakuttt

Dia menjerit dari beranda bilik suruh budak2 kuar dr pOOl..dia ckp, "pool tu allysa punya laa!!!"
Pastu nangis...x puas hati...

@ Tpg, KFC...Yummy...

Sambil minum susu..sambil tgk tv...layannnn

Notty..notty gurL....

All about her, will update later...
....muah muah to aLL my beloved blogger frens & readers.

06 October 2009

Rumah Terbuka BBQ Hot FM

Rumah Terbuka BBQ Hot FM

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